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Whats Old Is New Again Terrorism and the Growing Need to Revisit the Prohibition on Propaganda

Policy Brief | 17 Dec 2021

Gender-Sensitive Approaches to FTF Child Returnee Management

This paper highlights the challenges for grooming professionals to enable gender-sensitive rehabilitation and reintegration interventions for children returning to Europe from the conflict zone in Iraq and Syrian arab republic. The newspaper identifies the need for gender-sensitive preparation and responses.

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Policy Brief | 22 Nov 2021

The 10th Anniversary Of The Global Counterterrorism Forum: Time To Outgrow The Adolescence

The Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) was established in September 2011. The objective was to to set up a nimble, activeness-oriented, breezy network with a limited membership to operate equally an incubator for global counter-terrorism (CT) responses. The question raised in this policy cursory is whether the GCTF, ten years since its inception, is still fit for purpose.

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Policy Brief | 8 November 2021

Suicide Bombings in Mindanao

This Policy Cursory analyses the suicide bombing phenomena in the Philippines. The frequency of suicide bombing in January 2019 is unprecedented in Mindanao. This commodity highlights the three trends of suicide bombing in Mindanao and outlines measures the authorities tin accept to combat the threat.

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Research Paper | 19 May 2021

Evolution of Jihadism in Republic of finland

This paper maps the development of jihadism in Finland, where jihadist activism has increased significantly in the last decade as internal arrangement and contacts with transnational groups have deepened.

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Report | 23 Apr 2021

Quand la Musique Cesse

Ce rapport, basé sur des données primaires collectées par 50'UNICRI et fifty'ICCT sur le terrain dans le cadre de leur projet MERIT, cherche à comprendre 50'impact du terrorisme sur les jeunes Maliens. Il révèle que les jeunes sont exposés à des niveaux accrus et à divers types de violence dans toutes les régions couvertes par l'étude et sont souvent contraints d'adhérer à de nouveaux systèmes de gouvernance imposés par les groupes terroristes.

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Report | 23 Apr 2021

Les Dynamiques du Soutien et de la Participation à 50'Extrémisme Fierce

Le nombre de victimes de la violence armée au Mali a été multiplié par quatre entre 2016 et 2019, les jeunes étant parmi les plus durement touchés par la situation. Ce rapport va au-delà des facteurs habituels tels que l'insécurité et examinane entre autres le rôle joué par des facteurs tels que fifty'identification à son groupe ethnique ou religieux, le cadre géographique et 50'exposition à la violence.

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Perspective | nine April 2021

An Interview with NATO on Gender and Counter-Terrorism

An interview with Assistant Secretary Full general for Emerging Security Challenges David van Weel, and NATO Secretarial assistant General's Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Clare Hutchinson on NATO, gender and counter-terrorism.

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Perspective | 8 Apr 2021

Biden's National Security Strategy: Domestic Threats Accept Centre Stage

President Joe Biden released his Interim National Security Strategic Guidance last calendar month. Counter-terrorism has been replaced by the threat posed by traditional state actors, such as Red china and Russia, as well as a looming climate crisis as the master challenge facing the The states today.

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Perspective | 21 Jan 2021

Keeping Faith with Trump: The Dangerous Causes and the Consequences

In club to empathize what continuously motivates people to join the far-right, Lorne L. Dawson explores iv aspects of the report of extremism: responses to the failure of prophecies; why people adopt farthermost behavior; the role of social dynamics and networks in consolidating extremist movements; and the nature and operation of charismatic leadership and authority.

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Perspective | fifteen Jan 2021

Deconstructing the Farthermost Right

In this perspective piece, Donald Holbrook examines far-right ideology its trajectory, and considers how nosotros can think about it more finer.

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| 9 Jan 2021

ICCT Annual Conference Magazine

For our Annual Briefing, we have created a magazine that showcases our key achievements of 2021. Learn more nearly our projects, our worldwide impact and our periodical publications and the people backside ICCT in this online, interactive magazine.

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Research Paper | 25 Nov 2020

Incel Radical Milieu and External Locus of Command

This newspaper examines the pillars of incel ideology through an analysis of incels' own vocabulary and narratives, and argues that a radical milieu can exist an effective belittling framework for studying incel communities.

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Report | 21 Oct 2020

When the Music Stops: The Touch of Terrorism on Malian Youth

Using primary data collected past UNICRI and ICCT as part of the MERIT projection, this report examines the socio-economic and psychological impacts of terrorism on Malian youth, who often face increased levels of violence and new systems of governance imposed by terrorist groups.

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Research Newspaper | 2 April 2020

Rightist Violence: An Historical Perspective

In this essay, Tim Wilson traces the development of right-wing violence from its emergence in the 19th century to present day. Information technology asks the questions: merely how tactically innovative is rightist violence in the 21st century?

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Policy Brief | 26 Feb 2020

The Dutch Arroyo to Extremist Offenders

This Policy Brief focuses on the Dutch arroyo to dealing with extremist offenders, and analyses Dutch policy choices that have been made from the perspectives of prosecution, rehabilitation, and reintegration.

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Perspective | 27 January 2020

ISIS and Their Utilise of Slavery

In this Perspective, Nadia al-Dayel and Andrew Mumford warn that it is no longer sufficient to exist concerned about merely the physical liberation of territory from groups like ISIS—the man liberation of victims of slavery must besides become a counterterrorism priority.

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Report | 11 December 2019

Terrorism in the Age of Technology

In this Report, for Clingendael'due south Strategic Monitor 2019-2020, ICCT Director Renske van der Veer aims to put the threat posed by the utilise of engineering science in terrorism to the Due west, more specifically to The Netherlands, in perspective.

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Perspective | xiii November 2019

Revisiting the Theatre of Terror in CVE

In this Perspective, Joe Whittaker and Lisah Elsayed contend that strategic communications in CVE tin sometimes have limited effectiveness or even worse, a detrimental effect, and offer means to ensure credible undermining of violent propaganda.

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Policy Brief | iv Nov 2019

A Schema of Correct-Wing Extremism in the United States

In this Policy Brief, Sam Jackson presents a schema of three chief forms of right-wing extremism in the The states in lodge to more than conspicuously understand the mural: racist extremism, nativist extremism, and anti-regime extremism.

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Report | 1 Nov 2019

Terrorism in the Age of Tech

In this Report for Clingendael's Global Security Pulse, Reinier Bergema maps out emerging trends and threats in the historic period of technology.

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Perspective | 30 Sep 2019

Remembering Terrorism: The Case of Norway

In the wake of a Utøya memorial beingness defaced with a swastika, Jeanine de Roy van Zwuijdewijn writes on the commemoration and memoralisation of terrorist events in the example of Norway and Anders Behring Breivik.

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Perspective | 19 Jun 2019

Terrorism, Organised Criminal offence, and Necessity

In this Perspective, Martin Gallagher explores the contradiction between ideological rhetoric and cocky-serving criminal do that exists between organised criminals and terrorist groups.

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Perspective | half dozen Jun 2019

Post Brexit EU (In)Security

In this Perspective, Dr. Rumyana van Ark warns of the potential security and CT implications that accept been thus far overlooked in Great britain'southward exit from the European union.

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Report | 19 Mar 2019

Destination Jihad: Italy's Foreign Fighters

Using sectional and original information provided past the Italian Ministry of Interior, this report thoroughly analyses the profiles of individuals with ties to Italy who traveled to join the ranks of Islamic State and other armed groups from 2011 up to October 2017.

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Study | nineteen Dec 2018

ICCT: Year in Review 2018

To round up our twelvemonth, nosotros have compiled a certificate highlighting our 2018 achievements and a message from our Managing director. Relevant projects, events and publications are grouped together nether the three thematic programmes; Ascertain and Detect, Prevent and Protect, and Respond and Reflect.

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Policy Brief | nineteen Sep 2018

Women in Jihad: A Historical Perspective

Acquaintance Fellow Seran de Leede explores the importance of women in contemporary jihadism. de Leede assesses how women's facilitative and supportive contributions have maintained and propagated jihadist ideology.

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Uncategorized | 7 Aug 2018

Reflecting on: What Types of Media Terrorists Collect

ICCT Associate Fellow Donald Holbrook reflects on his 2017 Research Paper 'What Types of Media do Terrorists Collect? An Analysis of Religious, Political, and Ideological Publications Found in Terrorism Investigations in the Uk".

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Perspective | 18 Jun 2018

Assessing Europol'south Operation Against ISIS' Propaganda: Approach and Affect

In this Perspective, Laurence Bindner and Raphael Gluck appraise Europol's operation to disrupt ISIS propaganda. The functioning, led past Belgian Federal Prosecutor'south Office and coordinated with six European countries (Kingdom of belgium, Republic of bulgaria, French republic, holland, Romania and the United Kingdom), too as Canada and the United States, enables actors similar Europol to target online sources of propaganda.

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Policy Brief | 1 Jun 2018

Citizenship and Ancestry of Belgian Foreign Fighters

In this Policy Cursory, authors Pieter Van Ostaeyen and Guy Van Vlierden explore the backgrounds of Belgian strange fighters and notice that while nearly Belgian foreign fighters are linked to Morocco, the second nigh prominent ancestral link is Russia.

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Perspective | 17 Apr 2018

Mali: Is It All Most Terrorism?

In this Perspective, ICCT Visiting Young man Elena Dal Santo expands our understanding of the multiple (and often disregarded) factors underlying disharmonize and instability in Mali.

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Research Newspaper | 10 Apr 2018

Cut From the Same Cloth? Lone Actor Terrorists Versus Common Homicide Offenders

In this Research Paper, Marieke Liem et al. provide a bivariate analysis of lone actor terrorists and mutual homicide offenders. Liem et al's findings problematise the nomenclature of lonely actors as an entity fundamentally dissimilar from the sample of unmarried homicide offenders and telephone call for hereafter in-depth assessments of possible differences in homicidal drive.

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Research Paper | 22 Mar 2018

Terrorism, Diplomacy, and State Communications

In countering the communications of terrorist organisations, states confront a number of distinct challenges. Blatant lying can exist at the expense of a country's authorization, brownie, and instrumental effectiveness. Effective land communications need to be integrated, multidimensional and persuasive. Frequently they are anything but.

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Policy Cursory | 23 Feb 2018

Jihadists' Grievance Narratives against France

A range of social, cultural, religious, economical, political, demographic drivers and identity factors converged to create a fertile basis for receptive radicals to sally and interruption away from democratic values. Informed by these issues, this Policy Brief aims to identify avenues of further development for the French counter-terrorism strategic communication strategy.

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Perspective | 2 February 2018

Jihadists Answer to Trump: "In al-Quds nosotros run into"

In this Perspective, Pieter Van Ostaeyen and Tore Hamming analyse jihadists' response to Trumps recognition of Jerusalem. They argue that the bulk of Jihadi groups call for the unification of Muslims worldwide and urge for a Jihad to liberate Jerusalem.

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Inquiry Paper | thirty January 2018

Prosecuting (Potential) Foreign Fighters: Legislative and Practical Challenges

In this Research Paper Christophe Paulussen and Kate Pitcher provide a critical assessment of the underlying legal frameworks and the physical prosecutions of (potential) strange fighters at the national level. The authors fence that magistrates and prosecutors should have a greater role in assessing whether bodily prosecution or adjudication is appropriate in specific cases.

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Perspective | 29 Nov 2017

Marawi: Winning the War After the Boxing

This Perspective discusses the drivers of violent conflict in the Philippines and argues that the policy response needs to take into account the underlying socio-economic motivations for militancy, rather than focusing on superficial claims of IS-affiliation.

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Report | 27 Nov 2017

Action Calendar on Violent Extremist Offenders in Prison in Republic of mali

This Action Agenda discusses the background of the conflict in Republic of mali too as some of the bug faced in Mali with regards to violent extremist offenders in prison. It provides recommendations and proposed activities in four action areas to address concerns and needs identified by ICCT and UNICRI throughout the initiatives implemented by both organisations so far.

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Report | 22 Nov 2017

Countering Terrorist Narratives

This study provides an overview of electric current approaches to countering terrorist narratives. Information technology highlights a number of policy recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of countering terrorism strategic communication.

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Policy Brief | 15 November 2017

Uighur Strange Fighters: An Underexamined Jihadist Challenge

Uighurs, specifically individuals of Turkic decent from China's northwest province of Xinjiang, have go a noticeable part of the constellation of globally active jihadist terror groups. This Policy Cursory explores the telescopic and scale of Uighur Foreign Fighters (UFF) activity in various locations, its implications and how their participation in global jihadist groups may evolve.

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Policy Brief | 26 Oct 2017

IS'due south Appeal to Western Women: Policy Recommendations

In ICCT's latest Policy Brief, Kiriloi Ingram analyses how IS recruits Western women through a detailed qualitative narrative assay of the contents of all fifteen issues of a Dabiq magazine. Ingram argues that counter-terrorism strategic communications must be paired with community based initiatives.

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Perspective | ix Oct 2017

Political Primacy, Strategic Risks, and ISIL later the Caliphate

In this Perspective, ICCT Associate Fellow, Craig Whiteside, analyses the effectiveness of Iraq's Counter-Terrorism Service (CTS) in countering IS. He aims to notice out to what extent CTS still possesses reasonable capacity to strategise further counter-terrorism acts in the post-caliphate fight confronting IS.

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Policy Brief | 22 Sep 2017

The Failure of Prophecy and the Future of IS

In ICCT'southward latest Policy Cursory, Dr. Lorne Fifty. Dawson discusses the underlying vision of IS in propagating an apocalyptic struggle for its followers. He argues this cosmic struggle is characterised by the "caliphate legacy" which will survive despite military defeat.

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Perspective | 29 Aug 2017

An Era of Near Unstoppable Terrorism?

In this Perspective, Phil Gurski discusses a new wave of vehicular terrorist attacks and argues that, rather than ramping up security and law enforcement measures, we should think more about resilience after the bomb goes off.

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Enquiry Paper | 9 Aug 2017

Moderate Muslims and Islamist Terrorism: Between Deprival and Resistance

In his latest Inquiry Newspaper, ICCT Research Fellow Dr. Alex P. Schmid examines various aspects of moderation in Islam including how Islamist extremists view moderate Muslims and how the latter resist the erstwhile, and argues for humanism to be the middle ground for moderates of all faiths and political persuasions.

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Perspective | twenty Jul 2017

Tending Flowers in the Desert

Craig Whiteside examines how counterinsurgency tactics such as population expulsions, extrajudicial killings and mass incarceration, currently being used by the Iraqi government's security forces, could touch on on the future return of another "Islamic Land" system.

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Perspective | 14 Jul 2017

Tackling the Surge of Returning Foreign Fighters

With the defeat in Mosul and the noose tightening effectually IS' stronghold in Raqqa, the tide has begun to reverse and the steady trickle of returnees is beginning to option up pace. This Perspective looks at 'hard' and 'soft' approaches to dealing with them.

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Perspective | 13 Jul 2017

Winning the Arraign Game: The Caliphate of Complete Disaster

The battle of Mosul marks more than a war machine victory for the anti-ISIL coalition: it is a crucial inflection point calling for an invigorated strategic communications entrada. ICCT Visiting Fellow, Craig Whiteside uses contempo ICCT research by Ingram and Berger to highlight so-chosen Islamic State'due south dramatic failure to produce and secure a working caliphate - equally a key theme to farther develop.

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Perspective | 23 Jun 2017

The Audio of an Repeat

In this Perspective, ICCT Research Fellow Joe Whittaker argues against the current indiscriminate utilise of the term "echo sleeping accommodation" in relation to terrorism and radicalisation, but for its potential constructive utilize in relation to future enquiry.

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Perspective | 4 May 2017

Digital Distractions: Analysis of Iraqi PMUs' English Media Campaign

In this Perspective, Yousif Kalian and Omar Alhashani analyse the narrative propagated by Republic of iraq's Popular Mobilization Units (PMUs) and argue that, despite the image of unity they project at the moment, the PMUs may shift towards a more sectarian outlook to remain relevant in Iraq'south political future.

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Perspective | 26 April 2017

What If Some Terrorist Attacks Are Unstoppable?

In his latest Perspective, ICCT Associate Beau Phil Gurski argues that, as information technology is not possible to prevent all terrorist attacks and given their relative infrequency, the public should get more resilient so as to ensure terrorists practise non achieve their goals of spreading fear and anxiety.

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Research Paper | 4 Apr 2017

Pop Mobilization Messaging

James Garrison's Enquiry Paper examines the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Unit's (PMU) messaging on the arrangement's website and social media platforms to develop a more nuanced understanding of the PMU's outlook, both present and future.

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Enquiry Paper | 28 Mar 2017

Tin a Copycat Event exist Observed in Terrorist Suicide Attacks?

Nicholas Farnham and Dr. Marieke Liem await at how a copycat event – established within the field of suicide studies – may manifest itself in terrorist suicide attacks, and take an exploratory approach in evaluating the prospect of incorporating open-data resources in future counter-terrorism research.

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Research Paper | 27 February 2017

War by Suicide: A Statistical Analysis of the Islamic State's Martyrdom Industry

This Enquiry Paper from ICCT Associate Fellow Charlie Wintertime explores IS's employ of suicide tactics over the course of 12 months – from 1 December 2015 to 30 Nov 2016 – and, through statistical evaluation, demonstrates its attacks are now primarily perpetrated by local operatives against armed forces targets, marking a new phase of operationalisation for suicide warfare.

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Perspective | 10 Jan 2017

Suicide Tactics and the Islamic State

In this Perspective, ICCT Associate Fellow Charlie Winter discusses IS'due south use of suicide tactics and looks in some detail at the grouping's three principal suicide modi operandi: vehicle-borne IEDs, inghimas operations and homo-borne IEDs.

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Report | 19 Dec 2016

Foreign Terrorist Fighters: Trends, Dynamics and Policy Responses

This Report, which was developed for the Global Counterterrorism Forum'due south Strange Terrorist Fighters Working Group, takes stock of the current trends and dynamics related to the foreign terrorist fighter miracle and identifies some of the gaps that still need to be addressed.

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Research Paper | 16 December 2016

Administrative Measures against Foreign Fighters: In Search of Limits and Safeguards

This Research Paper analyses the increasing utilize of administrative measures in counter-terrorism and, based on a review of their utilise in the United Kingdom, France, and holland, and after identifying where their utilise might exist justified and the bear upon of their use on the protection of human rights, concludes by recommending the establishment of appropriate limits and safeguards.

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Report | 12 December 2016

Rehabilitating Juvenile Fierce Extremist Offenders in Detention

Developed for the Global Counterterrorism Forum'south Detention and Reintegration Working Group, this paper puts forth guiding principles, recommendations, and considerations for the detention, rehabilitation, and reintegration of juveniles bedevilled of terrorism and violent extremism-related crimes in a manner that upholds the principles and safeguards of juvenile justice.

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Perspective | half dozen Dec 2016

Promises of Paradise: IS Propaganda towards Women

In this Perspective, Louisa Tarras-Wahlberg discusses the 7 clear promises delivered to women in official IS propaganda - promises that paint a picture of a young nation state resembling a paradise on earth - and argues that affected European states need to counter IS paradisiac claims while providing meliorate opportunities for young women at dwelling house.

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Perspective | 29 Nov 2016

"How to Slaughter the Disbelievers": Insights into IS' Instructional Video

As so-called Islamic State (IS) suffers devastating losses of country, personnel and resources across Iraq and Syrian arab republic, it may seem that its stop is nigh. ICCT Visiting Swain Haroro Ingram argues to the opposite, explaining how IS' recent video "You must fight them o muwahhid" offers even so another indicator that the group is again strategically transitioning.

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Perspective | 25 October 2016

Managing Run a risk in the Fight Against IS

Every bit the battle for Mosul rages, the W faces a key turning point in the struggle against the so-called Islamic State (IS). The strategic choices made in the coming months to counter the take chances posed by IS are probable to have ramifications that will be felt – good or bad – for years to come. As such it is an apt time to reflect on the lessons learned from past mistakes.

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Perspective | 20 Oct 2016

How Islamophobia Makes Us Less Condom

In this Perspective, ICCT Visiting Fellow Phil Gurski argues that Islamophobia is a type of ignorance and prejudice, a fear of the Other, against which we must fight in the interests of national security.

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Report | eleven Oct 2016

Strange Fighters in Their Own Words: Using YouTube as a Source

Analysing YouTube videos, Kim Mans and Reuben Tuitel provide new insight into the phenomenon of foreign fighters, answering basic questions such as: 'who are these foreign fighters?', 'why do these strange fighters travel to Syria?' and 'where will they become next when the fight is over?', and thereby adding to so-called thick descriptions in foreign fighter inquiry.

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Perspective | 7 October 2016

The European union'due south 'Security Matrimony': A Bridge Too Far?

In this Perspective, Wittendorp examines issues surrounding the Eu's and specifically the Commission's new 'Security Union': what is the broader context in which it emerged, what are the assumptions informing it, and what trouble might prevarication ahead?

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Perspective | 28 Sep 2016

Italy'south Jihadists in Syrian arab republic: The Case of Maria Giulia Sergio ("Lady Jihad")

Examining the case report of 1 Italian woman who travelled to Syria, Dr. Marone sheds calorie-free on some of the particularities concerning Italy's jihadists, including the relevance of foreign recruitment networks operating within the country and the prevalence of individual pathways of radicalisation over group mechanisms.

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Perspective | 26 Sep 2016

The Utilize and Abuse of Administrative Measures against FTFs in French republic

In this Perspective, Dr. Boutin argues that, while there tin can be valid reasons to apply and then-chosen 'administrative measures' to strange terrorist fighters (FTFs) in French republic and elsewhere, information technology is essential for policy makers to give farther consideration to issues of human rights in the application of such measures.

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Perspective | 8 Aug 2016

Egypt's Aviation Security since the Metrojet Bombing

Nine months after the downing of the Russian A321 civilian aircraft, Metrojet flying 9268, in the Sinai Peninsula, Egyptian regime notwithstanding need to address the challenges relating to the vulnerability of airdrome facilities and to managing the fright of the traveling public.

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Perspective | 1 Aug 2016

How (non) to Manage Fear afterward Terrorist Attacks

Addressing recent attacks in Federal republic of germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel was widely criticised for repeating her mantra 'nosotros can practice this', facing a population increasingly worried by Islamist terrorism. This Perspective analyses the tension betwixt fear management and polarisation, challenging existing assumptions on how to communicate to citizens subsequently terrorist attacks.

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Perspective | 28 Jul 2016

Jabhat al Nusra Splits From al Qaeda

Later on years of rumours, Syrian jihadist group Jabhat al Nusra is expected to sever its longstanding affiliation with al Qaeda at any moment. ICCT Associate Fellow J.Grand. Berger analyses the implications of the impending divide on the future development of jihadist ideology and strategy.

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Perspective | twenty Jul 2016

The Nice Attack and the Limits of Security Responses

In this Op-Ed, ICCT Research Boyfriend Bibi van Ginkel compares the profile of the perpetrator of the Nice Attacks to existing inquiry on Strange Fighters, pointing to the limits of the security-centered approach France has adopted.

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Perspective | 21 Jun 2016

The CTSC Project in the Media

ICCT Fellows and Associates take written manufactures, op-eds and interviews on the topic of Counter-Terrorism Strategic Communications:

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Inquiry Paper | xviii May 2016

Links between Terrorism and Migration: An Exploration

This Enquiry Paper explores and questions some assumed causal links between terrorism on the one hand and (forced and irregular) migration on the other. It also offers recommendations that tin become some way towards disentangling the issues of (refugee) migration and terrorism.

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Perspective | 22 April 2016

Breivik'southward Life-Long Battle for Attending

ICCT's Research Fellows Liesbeth van der Heide and Daan Weggemans offer their insights on Anders Behring Breivik's quest for lifelong attending, following his courtroom case victory confronting the Norwegian authorities.

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Research Newspaper | ane April 2016

The Strange Fighters Phenomenon in the EU – Profiles, Threats & Policies

In this Written report commissioned by the Netherlands National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV), ICCT analyses the numbers and characteristics of foreign fighters, how the Eu and Member States assess the threat as well as their policy responses regarding security, preventive and legislative measures.

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Research Paper | 31 Mar 2016

The Islamic State'due south Global Propaganda Strategy

This Research Paper aims to analyse in depth the global propaganda strategy of the so-called "Islamic State" past looking at the methods through which this grand strategy is carried out as well as its objectives.

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Report | 29 Feb 2016

Personal Characteristics of Lonely-Actor Terrorists

This Inquiry Project Report analyses personal variables of perpetrators of alone player terrorism, resulting in a number of policy recommendations. Information technology is the fifth publication in the Countering Lone-Actor Terrorism (CLAT) project.

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Research Paper | 23 December 2015

Foreign (Terrorist) Fighters with IS: A European Perspective

In this Enquiry Paper, ICCT Research Fellow Dr. Alex P. Schmid analyses the widely diverging foreign fighter estimates. Having identified button and pull likewise as resilience factors that facilitate or inhibit young Muslims joining ISIS, he argues that stopping them from departing to Syria is not plenty; political solutions have to be sought.

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Report | 27 Nov 2015

Study: NATO Workshop on Violent Extremism in Central Asia

New Report: On 2 and iii September 2015, the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague (ICCT) and the Center for Security Programs (CSP) in Astana convened a NATO Advanced Research Workshop titled 'Trigger-happy Extremism in Fundamental Asia: Indicators, Trends and Possible Responses', with support of the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme. The main aim of the workshop was to place to what extent radicalisation and violent extremism are on the ascent in the region, what can and should be washed about it and how actors can advance on a countering fierce extremism (CVE) agenda in the future.

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Report | 27 Nov 2015

Study: NATO Workshop on Counter-Terrorism in the MENA Region

New Report: From vi to 7 October 2015, the International Heart for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT), Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies (ACPSS) and Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael' convened a NATO Advanced Research Workshop in Brussels. This workshop was titled '(Counter-)terrorism in the mail-Arab Leap context' and supported past the NATO Science for Peace and Security Plan.

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Perspective | 18 November 2015

And then What Does IS Want United states to Practise Next…?

In this Op-Ed, ICCT Research Fellow Dr. Alastair Reed outlines three potential responses that the then-called "Islamic Land" may desire to provoke with the Paris attacks.

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Perspective | 14 Nov 2015

Bombay-Style Attacks in Paris

Once more, after the attacks on Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish supermarket in January, Paris has been shaken by a series of terrorist attacks. Contrary to the events earlier this year, the xiii November events were much more complex and coordinated, reminding us of the Bombay 2008 attacks.

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Perspective | 10 November 2015

What Adjacent for the Sinai?

In this Op-Ed, ICCT Director Marking Singleton elaborates on how to read into the causeless bombing of the Russian Metrojet 9628 flight by the Sinai franchise of the so-called "Islamic Country" on 31 Oct 2015.

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Policy Brief | 27 Oct 2015

Foreign (Terrorist) Fighter Estimates: Conceptual and Information Problems

In this Policy Brief, Dr. Alex P. Schmid discusses various definitions of Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTFs) by disaggregating the "strange", "terrorist" and "fighters" elements of the UN Security Quango definition in resolution 2178 (2014). Subsequently, an attempt is fabricated to bring construction to the widely diverging estimates of the numbers of foreign fighters and their origins.

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Policy Brief | 27 Jul 2015

Motives and Considerations of Potential Foreign Fighters from the Netherlands

In this Policy Brief, Prof. Dr. Edwin Bakker and Peter Grol studied several cases of potential foreign fighters. These observations class the basis of policy suggestions that could contribute to the prevention policy within the framework of the "Comprehensive Action Plan to Combat Jihadism" of the Dutch regime.

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Enquiry Paper | 4 Jun 2015

Challenging the Narrative of the "Islamic Land"

Dr. Alex Schmid identifies a dozen narrative themes of ISIS and discusses them from different angles in an try to show vulnerabilities and point the way towards developing disarming counter-arguments.

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Policy Brief | 26 May 2015

European Female person Jihadists in Syria: Exploring an Under-Researched Topic

The number of young Western women travelling away to join the "Islamic State" (IS) continues to increase. However, little is known near these women, including their motivations and roles within organisations such as IS. This Background Note provides preliminary answers and explain what is known so far.

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Inquiry Paper | 5 Feb 2015

Mali's Long Route Ahead

The authors discuss contempo military operations in Mali and warn against the temptation to treat the various jihadists as a homogenous group.

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Perspective | 18 Apr 2014

Terrorism Research and Authorities

This Commentary argues that governments should trust non-governmental actors to a greater extent with sensitive information to ensure the nearly informed responses to terrorism.

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Perspective | 2 Apr 2014

The Render of Europe's Foreign Fighters

This Commentary argues that the trouble of returning foreign fighters to Europe will only increment and policymakers should look towards civil society and local communities for solutions.

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Research Paper | 18 Feb 2014

Ansar al-Sharia in Tunisia'due south Shift to Jihad

This Research Paper analyses the likely futurity of the disharmonize betwixt the most pregnant salafi jihadist group in the state, Ansar al-Sharia in Tunisia, and the Tunisian country.

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Perspective | 20 Aug 2013

AQAP: A Local Problem, A Global Concern

Intelligence information about Al Qaeda in the Arabic Peninsula (AQAP) caused a security stir in the past weeks leading to embassy closures and evacuation of personnel in Yemen.

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Perspective | 24 Jul 2013

The Stop of Radicalisation?

Following the Boston Marathon and Woolwich attacks in 2013, some commentators proclaimed the end of the concept of radicalisation as the root cause for terrorism. Dr. Alex Schmid takes a closer look at this claim.

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Policy Cursory | 20 Mar 2013

The Nexus betwixt Security and Evolution

Research Fellow Dr. Bibi van Ginkel and Clingendael Senior Inquiry Young man Ivan Briscoe analyse the human relationship betwixt the development and counter-terrorism sectors in lite of the changing nature of terrorism.

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Perspective | 13 Mar 2013

Mali and the Narco-Terrorists

In the Francophone press, jihadists and rebels in Northern Mali are ofttimes referred to every bit "narco-terrorists". This Commentary discusses the use of such terminology and its implications.

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Perspective | 18 Apr 2012

Anders Breivik: A Terrorist on Trial

This Commentary analyses the trial confronting Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian violent extremist who carried out bomb and gun attacks that left 77 people expressionless final year.

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Perspective | 12 Mar 2012

The Internet as Hiding Place of Jihadi Extremists

Information technology is no secret that violent extremists – whether Jihadists or Neo-Nazis – make intensive use of the internet equally a platform for discussion, planning, propaganda and recruitment. Dr. Bibi van Ginkel discusses dissimilar approaches to counter this.

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Perspective | 5 Mar 2012

Containing al Qaeda in Africa

In recent years commentators accept begun to suggest that Africa volition be the side by side haven for al Qaeda, with al Shabaab, al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and Boko Haram all having affiliations with al Qaeda in varying degrees.

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Perspective | 29 Jul 2011

Lone Wolves and their Enabling Environment

In this Commentary, Dr. Beatrice de Graaf and Eelco Kessels MA emphasise that, although we might characterization Anders B. Breivik a lone wolf, he certainly does not perceive himself to exist a loner operating in complete isolation.

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Perspective | iii Mar 2011

Al Qaeda'southward Final Trip the light fantastic toe: a Deadly Tango for Two

The pop uprisings in Northern Africa and the Eye East are showing u.s.a., professionals involved in the field of counter-terrorism, and our politicians the best way frontward in our struggle confronting political violence.

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Research Paper | iii Feb 2011

Report ICCT International Launch Briefing

Over 200 high-level international experts from various governments, counter-terrorism agencies, academic institutions and NGOs gathered to discuss the status of counter-terrorism.

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Perspective | 17 Sep 2010

ix/11 Nine Years On

The Commentary tries to explain the reasons for the (delayed) burst of anti-Islamic emotions and demonstrations in various parts of the earth.

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